Spring Election: Tuesday, April 1. Please be sure to vote!
Three positions are up for election in the upcoming 2025 Spring Election, including the offices of Chairperson, Supervisor #1 and Supervisor #3. For the position of Chairperson, current Supervisor #3, Beth English is challenging incumbent Chair Jason Van Eperen. For the position of Supervisor #1, candidate Mark Heling is running unopposed. There are two candidates for the position of Supervisor #3. They are Anthony Lehrer and Walt Nocito.
Each candidate was asked to share information about their relevant experience for the position they are seeking, and to respond to four questions that were determined by the Grand Chute Gazette staff. The Grand Chute Gazette does not endorse or support any candidate for elected office.
Position: Chairperson
Name: Jason Van Eperen
Address: 5711 W. Broadway Dr. Grand Chute, WI 54913
Relevant Experience: Grand Chute Town Chairperson, Grand Chute Licensing Committee member, Fox West Regional Sewerage Commission member, Joint Sanitary District President, Community Development Authority member, Outagamie County Drainage Board (2014 – present), Appleton (Fox Cities) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board Vice Chair. Postsecondary Agricultural Students (PAS) State Vice President; Student Government Association Fox Valley Technical College Member at Large; Greenville Cooperative Board of Directors Nominating Committee Member.
Campaign website and / or social media link(s): www.vaneperenforgrandchute.com
Candidate Questions: (Responses may be up to 100 words per question.)
- Why are you running for the position of Chairperson on the Grand Chute Town Board?
As a life-long resident of Grand Chute I have seen a lot of things that have gone on in our Town, and I wanted to make a positive difference. I believe my skill set and willingness to learn and listen are positive ways to promote our Town’s growth and communication.
- What are the most important issues currently facing Grand Chute?
Development in our Town has been an issue for many years and has become forefront in the last year. As a Town, it is important that we look at our comprehensive plan to assure it is meeting our future housing needs. With development, water issues end up revealing themselves during large rain events. The Town conducted a flood study to make certain that flood prone areas are not developed. A housing study will be conducted and completed later this year, which will help give the Board guidance in their decision making.
- What do you believe is the best approach to use to fund road improvement projects?
I believe the best approach to fund roads is an approach that treats everyone fairly, one that does not segregate certain residents or business owners. For the past four years the Town has exclusively used debt service to fund roads with little impact to property taxes. It is also my belief that if a municipality needs to find another funding source for roads (that isn’t the general fund), it is a gross failure by the municipality to properly budget for all municipal expenses.
- Town Board elections are non-partisan. How do you feel about candidates accepting support from partisan organizations such as political parties and Political Action Committees?
I feel non-partisan candidates should not be accepting funds or in-kind donations from county, state, or national partisan or Political Action Committees (PAC). If or when a candidate crosses that line, I don’t believe that the best interest of the electorate will be served when the candidate is showing they may have other interests in mind when accepting outside support.
Position: Chairperson
Name: Beth English – Did not submit responses.
Position: Supervisor #1
Name: Mark S. Heling
Address: 3035 W Parkridge Ave Grand Chute WI 54914
Relevant Experience: 35 years of experience working in public works with 43 years of paid on premises/paid on call for the fire department and 6 years of part time police officer all with the town of Grand Chute.
Campaign website and / or social media link(s): None
Candidate Questions: (Responses may be up to 100 words per question.)
- Why are you running for the position of Supervisor #1 on the Grand Chute Town Board?
I have always had an interest in our town’s government. Once I retired from the town, I continued to attend many of the town board meetings over the years. Those that know me can speak well of my interest in and dedication to the town of Grand Chute.
- What are the most important issues currently facing Grand Chute?
How do we financially support a progressive and needed street maintenance and rehabilitation program. What processes can be improved on to extend the life of a street as well as a street rehabilitation program that is visible to the residents and business owners in the town.
We need to look once again at our street urbanization program. This uses storm sewers and curb and gutters within subdivisions to properly drain the streets and run off water from private properties. Streets in urbanized areas are wider and facilitate multi model traffic in a safer fashion.
- What do you believe is the best approach to use to fund road improvement projects?
I am open to looking at any funding sources that may be available for projects. I do support a special assessment as a funding source if it is reasonable and capped. Non taxable properties do not pay towards a street project, however, they do if a special assessment is funding a project.
- Town Board elections are non-partisan. How do you feel about candidates accepting support from partisan organizations such as political parties and Political Action Committees?
I am personally against a partisan organization and political action committee offering financial support, but all people have the right to support non financially the candidate of their choice either individually or in the group setting.
Position: Supervisor #3
Name: Walt Nocito
Address: 3260 N. Spruce Street Grand Chute, WI 54914
Relevant Experience:
Prior Grand Chute Town Board Supervisor. 2021 – 2023
BS – Economics, Pennsylvania Military College
MBA – Management, Widener University
CPA – North Carolina
Former Business owner – Berlin Foundry Corporation
United States Army 1966 – 1972
Campaign website and / or social media link(s): friendsforwaltnocito.com
Candidate Questions: (Responses may be up to 100 words per question.)
- Why are you running for the position of Supervisor #3 on the Grand Chute Town Board?
Grand Chute has grown dramatically. Our available land is approximately 70% developed. The challenges our growth and size requires leaders with the skill sets that can meet the types of financial and operational needs that we now face. My background and experience positions me to identify and address the challenging issues we face as a Town. My perspective will be to provide residents with an efficient and cost-effective government that respects individual and property owner rights, and which will reflect the will of the people, as a whole.
- What are the most important issues currently facing Grand Chute?
My approach will be to ensure that our Town government is working for the people. Whether the issue is housing, road funding, solving our drainage issues, or our water loss, or maintaining a desirable tax level, our government must serve the will of the people. A good example of our Town working to serve the people well is our new ambulance service. I had need of it recently for my wife. The service was fast and professional and the staff at St. Elizabeth mentioned to me how professional our EMT’s performed.
- What do you believe is the best approach to use to fund road improvement projects?
The Town recently conducted a resident road funding study. Three “Pay As You Go” options were offered. None of the options considered the creation of a “Dedicated Road Fund.” The advantage of a Dedicated Road Fund is funds accumulate annually and earn compound interest. This results in the lowest possible cost to residents because the compound interest offsets a portion of the total road cost. The Pay As You Go funding method makes the resident pay the total cost. A Dedicated Road Fund can reduce the cost of road improvement to residents by a significant amount earning compound interest.
- Town Board elections are non-partisan. How do you feel about candidates accepting support from partisan organizations such as political parties and Political Action Committees?
Municipal elections are designed to be non-partisan so that candidates are not responsible to special interest groups, including political parties and PAC’s. Non-Partisan local elections greatly benefit our municipal residents. It is important that local candidates refrain from seeking or accepting support from partisan organizations. When a candidate self-funds or is helped by other residents, the voters then can have confidence that the candidate will work in the best interests of the residents and the Town.
Position: Supervisor #3
Name: Anthony Lehrer – Did not submit responses.