By Grace’s Dad, Scott Schara, February 18, 2025
In the last two issues, I introduced my best buddy to the Grand Chute residents. On October 13, 2021, Grace’s life was cut short by medical “professionals. Grace was from the Town of Freedom. Since her death, God has opened up countless doors to help save others’ lives. One of those doors is a four-week jury trial, scheduled to begin on June 2, 2025, in Outagamie County.
God has also used Grace’s death to wake me up. To what? My journey into the process of waking up started when the Medical Examining Board did a sham investigation regarding the doctor euthanizing Grace with three contraindicated meds – Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine, along with putting an illegal Do Not Resuscitate order on her chart. Here’s what they wrote on January 20, 2022:
The details of the complaint were reviewed and evaluated by a screening panel made up of members of the regulatory authority for the profession and/or a department attorney. Based on the review and evaluation of the complaint and other materials, a decision has been made that the information presented does not warrant further investigation. Would it surprise you if you found out the Medical Examining Board was made up of 10 doctors and 3 public members appointed by the Governor? That their decisions have no appeal right?
Moving on, Covid was a wake-up call to those willing to hear: 1,200,000 American hospital murders in 39 months! The U.S. was #1 in the world in the hospital deaths category, with India (with 4X the population) a distance #2, with 533,000 deaths. How is this possible?
Long before Covid, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death – heart disease 700,000 + cancer 600,000 + medical malpractice 400,000 = 1.7 million annual deaths. Heart disease and cancer deaths are a result of the treatment! Chemotherapy has a 97.9% kill rate, for example. Historically, 61% of the annual 2.8 million deaths in America are from medical murder; 142,000 new medical murders every single month!
These statistics motivated me to do a deep dive and summarize over a thousand hours of research into the topic. By God’s providence, we published a national news release announcing the research that medical murder is the number one cause of death in America:
The seven-part series is posted at How do we prepare against a system designed to kill us? There are always two mistakes we can make, relative to preparation. First, failing to prepare; second, relying on our preparations – we rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ. When our government has become a serial killer, preparation should be obvious. Use your critical thinking.
Of course, you want to understand advocacy and informed consent to combat medical murder, which is the lane I’m representing. More importantly, there’s never been a more urgent time to share the Gospel and do an inventory of your own Biblical roots – so you can stand firm when the time comes. There’s nothing to fear. As Grace would say, “God’s got this dad.” He is not sitting and panicking when Satan orchestrates these things. He warned us ahead of time (Revelation 18:23).
I’ll be writing more about what I’ve learned, since Grace’s death, in upcoming issues. That’s the mission God has given me to help ensure Grace’s death would be used to save others, as He said would happen in Genesis 50:20. Stay tuned.
If you’d like to follow our story and advocacy work, please sign up for our newsletter at You can also sign up to follow our landmark legal case at For the inspiration behind our family’s advocacy, please visit There you will find some fantastic pictures and videos of Grace, as well as resources and research. If you’d like to help with our work: