By Grace’s dad – December 17, 2024

On September 22, 2002, an angel came into this world. My wife, Cindy, and I named her Grace, after God’s grace.
When someone with Down Syndrome joins your family, you don’t know what to expect. I cried many times during her first two years, thinking, “Grace isn’t going to be able to drive; Grace isn’t going to be able to get married; ….”
As things progressed, she learned to ride a horse, play violin, dance, public speak, and drive. She also taught me about unconditional love [I’m still in process]. She had a way of encouraging which always left the person she engaged with feeling better. She also enjoyed my literal humor and came up with her own jokes as she developed her unique style. During one Wisconsin deer season, while sitting in the stand waiting for the dream buck, she said, “Dad, I have a joke.” I said, “What’s your joke?” She said, “Where do bees go to the bathroom?” I said, “I don’t know.” She said, “The BP station.”
She was special. As I learned about the gift she was, I thought to myself, “I wish I had Down Syndrome.” What am I talking about? What would life be like to trust God, unconditionally; to love others unconditionally; to not let the stress of life get a stronghold – in short, to be in this world but not be of the world? Who does that? Grace did.
On October 13, 2021, her life was cut short by medical “professionals.” If you ever wondered who the person behind the local billboard campaign is, you just got a glimpse. Grace was from the Town of Freedom. Since her death, God has opened up countless doors to help save others’ lives. One of those doors is a three-week jury trial, scheduled to begin on June 2, 2025, in Outagamie County.
I’ll be writing more about what I’ve learned, since Grace’s death, in upcoming issues. Stay tuned.
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