Beginning on January 1, 2025, the Grand Chute Fire Department will begin providing Advanced Life Support ambulance transport services for 911 calls for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for Grand Chute residents and businesses. In 2023, Grand Chute hired Steve Denzien as the new Fire Chief, and he began planning the transition of Grand Chute from Gold Cross Ambulance Service to this new in-house service.
One of the reasons for Grand Chute to provide ambulance services is that Gold Cross was being dispatched through 911 and Grand Chute had no contract or input into the services being provided.
With this new service, Grand Chute will have their own ambulances, equipment, and personnel, who are paramedics and firefighters so they can respond to various situations and will allow for monitoring and continuous improvement of this service.
A total of three ambulances have been purchased with two ambulances being staffed daily. Six additional firefighter/paramedics were hired this fall in order to staff this new service. Two of the ambulances were available for public preview before the Town Board Meeting on December 3rd.
According to town projections, the new ambulance service provided will not increase property taxes. The cost of this service will be billed to the patients and will generate revenue to offset the costs of additional staff, the ambulances, equipment, and insurance.
Congratulations to Chief Denzien and the Grand Chute Fire Department as they move towards providing Emergency Medical Services to our residents and businesses of Grand Chute.