It’s Time to Return Your Surplus to You
The State of Wisconsin has taken too much of your money. Going into next year’s budget, we are projected to have a $4 billion surplus. This is money you worked hard for, the state took, and now is sitting in the bank. I believe this should be returned to you—it’s yours.

However, bureaucrats in Madison have other plans: they think you owe them even more money. With that $4 billion surplus and $1.7 billion in projected new revenue, their proposed spending would leave the state in a nearly $750 million budget black hole.
This level of reckless spending would leave us, and our kids, with the burden of picking up the pieces.
Rather than giving away the state credit card to bureaucrats to grow bureaucracy, I believe you should have a say on how you spend your money. There’s no better way to accomplish that than leaving it with you in the first place.
That’s why last session, I introduced the largest income tax cut proposal that passed the legislature. You would have seen an average savings of $770 on your tax bill. Unfortunately, this was vetoed by an administration that thinks it knows how to spend your money better than you.
That’s $770 more to spend on food, gas, or savings for your kids’ college—now sitting in the state’s bank account.
This upcoming budget will again see a battle between the bureaucracy and you. Wisconsin can make important investments where we need to, but we cannot sustain the billions in new spending the bureaucracy wants.
My goal is to give you back your money. I already vowed to bring back the retirement income tax cut, so that our parents and grandparents can retire close to their kids and grandkids. I will also continue to fight for broad income tax relief for everyone, hoping we can gain the current administration’s support.
My top priority will always be to keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket for as long as I have the privilege of serving you in the State Senate.
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