As we move from the darkness and frigid cold of winter into the beginnings of spring, remember to grab the mindset of the newness that it brings.
Winter has shut us off and shut us down. Going outside is somewhat of a chore. Walks that are slick and driveways need shoveling, the car has that possibility of going sideways at any moment, and going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark doesn’t help one’s mood.
Today, it is different! Days are getting longer. The temperature is rising. The sun is letting you know there are good things ahead. You will soon shift from winter coat, to jacket, to light jacket, to no jacket. Your favorite food group will become ice cream again. The sun’s Vitamin D will once again change your mood
The God I serve tells me winters end. Struggles can be overcome, and life gets better as we trust in Him. No matter how I feel, I know God has me in the palm of His hand and I can trust Him. It is because He loves me. He is the Son that always shines.