Initially, it appeared that Grand Chute would not have a February 18, 2025 Spring Primary, being that there were not more than two candidates for each of the Town Board Supervisors/Chairperson/Judge races. However, the Spring Primary Ballot will have three candidates, Brittany Kinser, Dr. Jill Underly and Jeff Wright vying for the Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction position. Please note that all wards will vote at Town Hall (1900 W Grand Chute Blvd) for the February 18th Primary election. Polling hours are 7:00 am-8:00 pm.
Looking ahead to the April 1, 2025 Elections,
the Grand Chute candidates on the ballot are
listed below:
Grand Chute Municipal Judge: (four-year term)
- Charles W. Klasen (Incumbent)
Town Chair: (two-year term)
- Jason Van Eperen (Incumbent)
- Beth English
Supervisor 1: (two-year term)
- Mark S. Heling
Supervisor 3: (two-year term)
- Walt Nocito
- Anthony Lehrer