What is the significance of a new year? Symbolism shows the old man walking away and the new baby crawls in. We see the ball drop in Times Square and the new year’s numbers light up. Strangers are kissed and resolutions are made. Hope for the end of misery and the start of something good is in the air. Spirits are consumed and joy is in the air. (At least until morning!) However, the possibility of a new life is available. In fact, that has been the message Jesus brought with Him when he arrived on our planet years ago. Let’s look at His message.
First, the announcement was made to a group of teenagers working the night shift. “I bring you good news of great joy for unto you is born a Savior!”. Why did God pick the least important to give the most important message? I’m almost sure it was because people like you and I would never believe he would go out of His way for people like us.
Second, his followers were not highly educated and privileged, but simple men from the block. Jesus didn’t travel in the elite circles, but the roads the common walked on ordinary days. He saw what they saw, ate what they ate, laughed and cried with the people who knew what it was like to work for a living. I believe that’s why people loved Him so.
Last was the message He brought. Paul put it best in Revelation, “I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come into you and dine with you and you with me”.
Message – Jesus, yes, was here 2000 years ago and did great things but he is also here today to give you not only a brand-new year, but a brand-new life. All that is needed is for you to say, “Jesus, I’ll walk with you!”